About the festival

Olomoucké hudební jaro

Informace ke staronovému festivalu Olomoucké hudební jaro, jehož pořadatelem je spolek Olomoucké barokní slavnosti, z.s., naleznete na www.festival-olomouc.art.

Music and theater festivities in the historical scenery of Olomouc

The Olomouc Baroque Festival has been presenting the beauty of classical music for 10 13:40 25.07.2022!

Even in times of crisis, be it pandemic, economic or war, the festival continues its activities and will continue to present you with gems of musical history.

The uniqueness of the Olomouc Baroque Festival lies in the presentation not only of forgotten works by Czech and foreign composers, but also in the presentation of well-known compositions but in a historically informed interpretation. We find inspiration in music archives across Europe.

In 2021, we expanded our musical offer with a concert series including symphonic, spiritual, chamber concerts and talentum, where we give talented artists an opportunity. Last but not least, we present Olomouc itself as a city - a center of baroque culture, protecting within its walls an important baroque UNESCO monument - the Column of the Holy Trinity.

This year's anniversary year will be a celebration of the beauty of the art of tones - music. We will introduce you to the top musicians in their fields who will come to the festival from all over Europe.

During the festival, you can hear works from the Baroque period to early Romanticism performed by leading ensembles focusing on historically informed interpretation of classical music. You can therefore visit concerts of famous ensembles such as Musica figuralis, Societas Incognitorum, Musica Florea, Arte dei Suonatori and others.

The core ensemble is the Volantes Orchestra, which performed in 7 projects last year, from chamber music to opera. The orchestra, which was created under the leadership of the artistic platform Studio Volantes, will this year be under the baton of the renowned artist - Marek Čermák.

Take a look behind the scenes with us!

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